Monday, 25 July 2011

TraD!t!oNaL CaKEs

Malaysia is one of the famous in various cakes. Malay community is leading in introducing traditional cake. But in my blog now, i would like to introduce the traditional cake in my village which is APAM BALIK.


2 cups flour
½ cup sugar
½ teaspoon baking soda small
1 small teaspoon yellow food coloring
1 egg
1 ½ cups water ½ teaspoon baking powder
1 cup peanuts (machined) - seeding material
1 can of corn - materials seeding
1 cup sugar - seeding material
A little butter

Machine sugar with the eggs until fluffy, add soda, water, baking powder and yellow food coloring. Machine again until well blended. Stir in the flour and another machine so that it is ineffective pellet. Take a spoon and pour into the pan and thin state. Close the pan for a while. When half cooked, sprinkle with just distribution of material. Cook until golden brown.

Apam balik usually sell at the night market. Apam Balik is also a favorite cake Malays because it was fantastic. I also used to buy Apam Balik at the night market in Bangi.Apam Balik price was very reasonable, so do not lose the people who buy Apam Balik.

Thursday, 7 July 2011

GreeN !nV!rOnmEnT

Naturally occurring Earth has greenhouse gases, including water vapor, which has protected the planet in their lifetime. And greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide all Naturally occurring in the atmosphere. However, human activities have added more of these gases into the environment from which it can operate, making the atmosphere too clogged for some radiation to escape back into space. What increase is the greenhouse gas effect contributes to the rise in temperature. 

If I am part of a large orchard, and then I cut I would be disappointed Because the felling of the forest caused increasing loss of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur from terrestrial Ecosystems. If deforestation is followed by conversion to other land uses of the forests, the major effects of deforestation. The main Reasons for organic carbon loss harvesting, burning forest waste, accelerate the decomposition of wood and root production Decline, and erosion. Nitrogen and sulfur lost by the same route, and additional leaching of nitrate and sulfate to the water flow and ground waters by anaerobic production of N and S-containing gas. Phosphorus is lost primarily through harvest and erosion. More than half of C and N and P was less and S can be lost at the site where the forest land converted to other uses. 

This loss is deforestation following elements are the fastest in the web with high decomposition rates, especially in the Tropics and fertile land. Interaction of C, N, P and S Cycles Affect any element of loss through nutrient limitations to the biological transformation ratio, the availability of elements, resulting in either biological or mobilization of immobilization, and the interaction of anion / anion in soil solution. 

Deforestation caused a significant drop in the amount of carbon and nitrogen pools in Terrestrial Ecosystems. 
Phosphorus and sulfur loss occurs to a level low. Most of the carbon lost from forest Ecosystems eventually enter the atmosphere as CO2.Deforestation is a net source of CO2 emissions in any Meaningful organic carbon pool landscape land use following deforestation is less than in the undisturbed forest, and total organic carbon contained in wood used in building materials, coal, and organic matter in aquatic sediments is less than the Decline in terrestrial carbon pool. These conditions may often be met. There is also a loss of soil structure and fertility resulting from the loss of s
oil organic carbon in the deforested site.

Nitrogen is lost from deforested sites lost a bit slower than carbon, except in relatively nitrogen-rich forests. Most of the losses following oxidation to nitrate; nitrate can be lost to the atmosphere as N2 or N2O (the environmental impact if it N2O) or stream water or ground water as nitrate (again with the environmental impact).The availability of nitrogen to plants is usually increased after deforestation, but the continuing losses of nitrogen in the deforested sites may eventually reduce the availability of nitrogen to a level below Here in the forest requires a large nitrogen fertilization. 
Phosphorus is lost primarily through harvest and erosion, and P INVESTMENT from deforested sites may Affect Ecosystems downstream. 
Reduction of phosphorus may cause the land to CIH's most important in the elderly, the soil is leached as in most tropical areas. Loss of sulfur to the atmosphere may be important in downstream sites or deforested from here.

Many biological changes that lead to the loss of four of these elements is the biological transformation, and any biological processes can be prevented by the insufficient supply of any one of these elements. In Addition, the relative availability of these elements can control the net production or immobilization. 
World Meteorological Organization and other official centers such as the KNMI in the Netherlands has concluded that deforestation is one of the Reasons behind the negative effects of climate change on a global scale.

Deforestation has never been a problem that can be Completed after Sonny occur. Reforestation with pine or other non-native species loss will only add about the environment in the area, as a new species is not suitable for Wildlife or natural conditions that produce secondary changes in microclimate and local habitat.

Scientific studies do not exist that can be Remotely maintained that the metabolism of insects Having any association with or quite an impact on the environment and climate change. Human activities such as deforestation and emissions have been proven to be the main Reasons for such changes. 
The areas have been cleared of trees, especially in the tropical rain forests, can be very sensitive to deforestation. 
Tropical rain forests have only a thin layer of topsoil is Easily INVESTMENT if there is no vegetation to hold it in place. Animals suitable for life in the forest often can not survive in the open. Forests act as a heat sink, the process of photosynthesis is actually cooling the atmosphere as the trees "breathe." Forests also trap Moisture and humidity and increase is ambitious tree, or give water as a byproduct of photosynthesis.
Without forests to create humidity and Water Reserves, water evaporates and becomes useless to any animal. 

Animals will become extinct because there is no shelter. Humans will also be vulnerable because of roam wild animals in human dwellings. 

And so, the neighborhood would lose green cover with at least a dozen trees that are destroyed each day Passes after the chopped to make way for flyovers, Skyscrapers and advertisement hoardings or fell trees by rain which caused a drastic change in climate, increasing pollution, accelerated temperature and so on Deforestation is also Work at widening roads to ease traffic congestion
The 'natural air-conditioned city Quickly metamorphosing into' dry town choked 'a. It clearly reverberates the lack of controlled growth and planning by the authorities.

Despite the high technology development in this city, it has been lost 
in many other fields. Excessive growth of the city was taken into severe as the climate and environment here turn on Those who lost key. In many cases, the government has relaxed the rules to Accommodate the great tutor development projects encroach on prime land and green space important. According to the Karnataka State Forest Report 2001, Kuala Lumpur has only 7.4 percent of total forest area of ​​geography. The rapid and unplanned Developments may make the city Vulnerable to destruction. 

As humans, we Should be more understanding about this. This is Because we understand and can think better When intelligent animals, but can not think before acting. Deforestation would not bring benefits but also disadvantages and consequences will give to the man himself. So let us not simply to destroy the lives of flora and fauna together with human life. 

Thus, there are Several ways to solve this problem by using the instrument under which;

Find products 

Many users want prototypes to be more green, but the limit of trouble finding a replacement for the products Sonny are using. Expo is the best way to find green Toggle to products you are using. 

Learn new ways to stay green 

While the product you buy is half the battle, many environmental expo features exhibits and hands-on training users to learn new techniques to Eliminate waste and keep a house environmentally friendly. 

Improve your family's health 

Visit Green Expo can provide information on eliminating Chemicals and products from your life that can destroy your family's health. 
By staying informed, you will ensure your family is not at risk. 

Become a better Gardener 

In addition to the different exhibition revolves around the furnishings in the home, many environmental expo with booths Gardening with non-toxic products and techniques to teach better. Using this information, your green thumb will continue to grow! 

Get information to colleagues 

Although many consumers want to make environmentally friendly choices, some people do not see the need to do so. 
Take a few pamphlets and information to share with friends. 

Greenies meet many like-minded in an Eco Expo 
image by Charles & Hudson 

Food taste different 

Expo is a great opportunity for environmentally friendly companies to provide samples of food that Sonny do. 
Try a variety of delicious food and learn where you can buy a yummy treat. 

Find solutions to save money 

Helping the environment is an important reason to become more green, but a lot of environmentally friendly solutions are much Cheaper. 
By visiting the Expo, you will find new solutions that may help your pocketbook. 

Meet local vendors and service providers 

In an exhibition environment, you will meet with business owners who use such products and services green. 
Do will allow you to become familiar with organizations in your community that focuses on both the environment and Customers. 

Taking advantage of the entertainment 

Many environmental exhibition offers a selection of entertainment for the whole family to enjoy. 
For activities for children to live entertainment expo more Lively Affairs with Plenty to see and do. 

Consult with experts 

Jocko green can be a tricky thing to do! 
Environmental experts at the exhibition was to provide answers to some of your questions the most difficult in living green. 

e technology can be used is the new environmental products recently launched in Portland this last winter. They were to include terms that the press only window to the inside window frame to ENHANCE the thermal performance of single-pane window to approximately equal with a standard double pane. 
Sonny deal with a huge environmental problems with THEIR products! Buildings are the number one energy user and the window number one source of energy loss from buildings. 
55 million homes in the United States and about 650,000 homes in Oregon still has single pane windows. 
Indow Windows has worked hard to create easy-to-use, affordable and aesthetically pleasing products that provide substantial energy savings. 
You can visit the website Indows Windows to see how their products work. 
Sonny did the installation at Yoga People in Killings worth Avenue and super happy with the increased comfort, energy bills are lower, and the sound dramatically reduced from trucks and buses in front of their Studios passed on Killings worth in Portland. Indow Windows to reduce the sound transmission by 50%, great for prototypes. 

In Addition, the present, as well as cost, size, location, and more, searching for apartments that are environmentally friendly is a priority to Tenants who care about doing their part to reduce energy consumption and reduction of natural resources. Living in an apartment building "green" not only allows people more energy efficient with their own self, but it can also reduce the cost of monthly bills. In Addition, the apartment dramatically reduce water use, pollution, carbon dioxide, and thermal pollution. 
Here is a look at five apartment building the most environmentally friendly in America. 

In my opinion, a blog can stimulate the human consciousness about the environment. Because this is a blog open up communication to all people. 
Blogs also provide ideas and ways to address this problem. Blogs can also give us a share ideas with others. With blogs, people can read and undertake a comment on a blog article. Furthermore, we are now in the era of the Internet use of IT.