Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Vertical Scroll: Martial Arts in Malaysia


                  Students need to learn martial arts to protect themselves from any enemy or dangers. In world now, anything can happen for example murder, kidnapping, robbery and so forth. There are many Martial Arts in Malaysia specifically Silat, Taekwondo and Karate.
                   Firstly, silat tradition has deep roots in Malay culture and can trace its origin to the dawn of Malay civilization, Nowadays, the term silat Melayu is most often used to differentiate the Malay styles from Indonesian pencak silat.
                    Secondly¸ Taekwondo is a modern martial art, characterized by it's fast, high and spinning kicks. There are multiple interpretations of the name taekwondo. Taekwondo is often translated as 'the way of hand and foot'.
                    Thirdly, Karate  is taught in the context of self-discipline and respect, respect for teachers and for fellow students expressed through punctiliously observed etiquette.Karate can be practised by people of all physical abilities, men and women, children and elders.Students of karate train their bodies to be fit to escape, and to avoid fighting if they can. if they can't they are prepared to defend themselves effectively.
                   In conclusion, martial arts very important to all people for against the enemy. We can learn everything or choose whatever martial arts for himself.

Thursday, 23 June 2011

~ellA enChanTeD~

Name the main characters in the movie.
The main characters in the movie are Ella, Lucinda, Lady Eleanor, Prince Charmont, Hattie, Olive and Mandy.  

What do you think of the main character in the movie?
I think the main character Ella, because Ella is an outspoken, headstrong girl who unfortunately given the gift of obedience by Lucinda myth. This magical punishment for the life of Ella as she is responsible to comply with what he was told to do, even to the extent that risk their lives. Ella refuses to bow to the mistreatment of his destiny but he struggles against the injustice he is by his intellect, intelligence, and determination. This image Ella describes a real difference and an example to women on the verge of receiving their sad fate to illustrate that the goodwill, perseverance and sense of self does win in the end. We also see that the ability to Ella to sacrifice her happiness for the people he loved to make her character shine.

          Review on this story, Ella (Hathaway) lives in a magical world in which each child, at the moment of their birth, is given a virtuous "gift" from a fairy godmother. Ella's so-called gift, however, is obedience. This birthright proves itself to be quite the curse once Ella finds herself in the hands of several unscrupulous characters whom she quite literally cannot disobey.When she is almost 15 years old her mother becomes sick and dies. At her mother’s funeral she meets Prince Char, heir to the throne of Frell, for the first time and they instantly become good friends. She also meets Dame Olga, and her daughters Hattie and Olive. Olive is quite simple but Hattie is spiteful and mean from the start. As she grows up she develops a strong willed personality, often trying to break the cure by resisting small commands such as “come down stairs” or “practice your lessons.” Determined to gain control of her life and decisions.Ella’s distant and long travelling father decides that Ella is to go to boarding with Hattie and Olive and during the ride Hattie catches on to the fact that Ella must do as she is told and takes advantage of this fact by forcing Ella to give up her mother’s necklace and obey her small menial commands.After a few months at boarding school Ella grows tired of taking commands from Hattie and all her instructions and decides that she must find Lucinda and beg her to lift the blessing by explaining what a curse it is  Ella sets off on a journey she hopes will end with the lifting of the curse in question.

In conclusions, Ella (Hathaway) lives in a magical world in which each child, at the moment of their birth, is given a virtuous "gift" from a fairy godmother.Ella Enchanted is a surprisingly effective realization of its simple fairy-tale concept. A medieval teenager (Anne_Hathaway) must do whatever anyone tells her, a curse that ranges from mildly annoying to incredibly problematic. Ella's so-called gift, however, is obedience. Whom she quite literally cannot disobey. in last, she out and try to solve she problem. she walk out and find Lucinda.

Saturday, 18 June 2011

FasCH!nG CeLebRaT!onS.

Fasching is Munich's version of Carnival. Americans call it "Mardi Gras" whilst the British have "Shrove Tuesday" (pancake day). The climax to the Fasching celebrations takes place on Tuesday 24th Febuary 2009. Most people will get the afternoon off work so that they can go down to the Viktualienmarkt wearing a silly costume. In the weeks leading up to 24th of February there are also lots of Gala Balls and other Fasching related events taking place.

What is Fasching?

Fasching is carnival season. Originally it was a Pagan festival which came out of ancient Rome or Greece. In recent centuries, however, it has become more associated with the Christian Church. Officially the season starts on 11th November at 11:11am, although I've no idea why. It continues pretty low key for about 3 months. Things really begin to happen in February or March - 7 weeks before Easter. This is the week when people are allowed to "flip out" and behave recklessly before the beginning of Lent, which is a much more serious time.

The Thursday before Ash Wednesday (25.Feb.2009) is known as "Weiberfastnacht", or "Women's carnival night". On this day tradition dictates that women are allowed to cut off the tie of any man within reach. So guys, don't wear your favourite tie to work that day! The women are also allowed to kiss any man they like. The following Monday is known as Rosenmontag (Rose Monday). On Rosenmontag there are various street processions involving lots of costumes and carnival floats. Faschingsdienstag (Carnival Tuesday) is the last day of Fasching and when most of the festivities happen. Faschingsdienstag is not an official holiday but workers usually get the afternoon off.

Fasching around the world

Fasching is celebrated mainly in the Catholic parts of Germany. Different areas give it different names, for example Karneval, Fastnacht, Fasnet, or Fosnat. Fasching is only the name used in and around Munich.

Some of the biggest celebrations in Germany take place in Köln (see: This city certainly has the longest tradition with street parties dating back to the 14th century. Many Bavarians try to claim that the biggest celebrations are now in Munich, but this is debatable.

Of course all the parties throughout Germany are dwarfed in comparison to the carnivals held at the same time in Rio de Janeiro and New Orleans. In New Orleans the festival is called Mardi Gras which is French for "fat Tuesday".

Fasching celebrations in Munich

As mentioned, the climax of Fasching 2009 in Munich is Tuesday 24th February. Between 2pm and 5pm the Viktualienmarkt pedestrian area is turned into a party zone. A local radio station provides a crane which hangs huge speakers in mid-air and churns out cheesy pop hits. It's usually carnage and the whole area from Marienplatz to Viktualienmarkt is completely blocked with the throng of people. If you don't fancy going down there yourself you can always spy on the festivities via the Viktualienmarkt Webcam.

In the evening there are a number of gala balls. The big one is held in the Bayerischer Hof hotel but generally any bar or nightclub in Munich will be having some kind of Fasching special that night.

Fasching Donuts - Munich

What's with all the Donuts?

The ubiquitous food of Carnival season is donuts (in German: "Krapfen"). You can expect to see donuts piled high in the bakers and be offered them every day throughout the next month by colleagues and friends. The donuts come in all varieties containing sweets such as vanilla, marmelade, or chocolate. If you're on the Atkin's diet, bad luck!

So what's the reason for the donuts anyway? Well, in pre-Christian Europe it was customary to choose a man to be the "sacred king" of the tribe for a year. When his year in office was up he would be sacrificed and his blood returned to the soil to ensure a successful harvest. The method of choosing the sacred king was the King's Cake. A coin or bean would be placed in the cake before baking and whoever got the slice with the coin was the chosen one. In recent times the King's Cake idea has evolved into the donuts that we're familiar with today.

Faschings Balls 2009A Faschings Ball which is largely for English speakers takes place on Saturday 21sth February 2009. This is the largest expat Faschings Ball in Munich. It takes place every year and at only 35 Euros per ticket is a fraction of the cost of similar events taking place around Munich. Price includes: Full Buffet Meal prepared by the Hilton's own 5 stars chefs, Live 6 piece Latin Jazz Band 'Mantica', Faschings Floor Show and All night Disco.

For a long list of the other events and balls see the Faschingkalendar from

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Saturday, 11 June 2011

+My FavORiTe FooD+

Many foods that are in this world. Everyone has their own tastes in food. So I too have my tastes in food. My favorite food is famous Malay dish called Nasi Goreng Kampung.

          To make the dish, ingredients are rice has cookeda little chili paste, 4 shallots, 5 real chilies, 3 tablespoons of cooking oil, and seasoning powder and spicies.

          Having completed these materials, the first step is chilli & onion chopped finely. Heat oil in a frying pan. Fry the onions that have been cut.Add spicies and fried rice recipes. And add the chili paste to frying pan.Mix until smooth. Add real chili. Let stir. Let heat. Mix the cooked rice in a frying pan. Stir rice and taste it fresh. Adjust ok, ready:). Ifyou like spicy can add more chili. If you like fried anchovies morecan be added again.

            Here is in malaysia, I used to eat fried rice in a 1cafe in the KUIS. If not I will be kedai Mak at Tapah . Nasi Goreng Kampung  in Kedai Mak is so delicious. It made ​​me love this food.

aN!maL aNd CoLoR

Justin Marshall of the University of Queensland in Australia, George Losey of the University of Hawaii, and their colleagues study fish eyes. Using a technique called microspectrophotometry, they've analyzed the visual pigments and photo-sensitivity of various reef-fish eyes to determine how and what fish see. They've also measured the wavelengths of light reflected off reef features to calculate an "average reef color." It turns out that in natural light the yellows and blues that adorn many damselfish, wrasses, and angelfish blend well with that average reef background, providing camouflage from predators.

We witnessed the phenomenon of brightly colored fish hiding in plain sight throughout Indonesia, home to the highest marine diversity on Earth. In a tiny spot just southeast of Sulawesi, clouds of colored fish swam against a collage of vivid invertebrates encrusting the reef. With such an excess of pattern and color, no one creature stood out. Up close, regal angelfish flashed eye-popping bands of yellow, violet, and white. But recent studies show that as regals swim against the reef's visually complex background, their contrasting lines merge in a predator's brain. According to Boston University marine biologist Gil Rosenthal, as a reef fish retreats, distance and motion can make it difficult for predators to perceive fine details and distinguish closely spaced outlines of contrasting colors. So at a distance, spots and stripes blur together, helping even stationary fish merge into the background of the reef and the ocean beyond.

Useful in deception, color can also speak the language of love for reef creatures.  But it's a quick chat. Many reef fish can blink their colors on and off in seconds, as we saw near the coast of Bali. Rising toward the shallows through a cloud of flasher wrasses, we watched the males shoot neon blue stripes across their bodies and outstretched fins, creating a miniature laser-light show. Spurred to passion by a male's display of lights, a female rose in the water column with her chosen suitor and released an explosive burst of eggs to mix with his sperm. Job done, the male instantly went drab, and the consummated pair sped to the safety of the reef.  That moment of electric bliss must have exposed them to great risk from predators, so the ability to turn off color was just as important as turning it on.  

The mechanism for this quick-change act is a class of skin cells called chromatophores.  Controlled by both neurons and hormones, chromatophores create the appearance of color or pattern through pigments and light manipulation. Specialized chromatophores called leucophores render skin pale. To produce blue and iridescent colors like those used by the flasher wrasse, iridophores manipulate crystals of guanine, a common metabolic waste product, to scatter white light and then reflect specific wavelengths as needed.  Such cells can instantly brand their bearers as terrifying, invisible, or irresistible.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

SupErsTiTion And MysTiCs

Mystical by supernatural means to the state that can not be dived by human thought that strangeness and wonder. While superstition is the belief that nonsense and are ignorant. Interest stories and superstitions and mysticism is not a new issue in the Muslim community in Malaysia, but has its roots since ancient ancestors again. The story of mysticism and superstition of Islam has always attracted people to the exhibition of nature spirits and a mysterious past has organized a tremendous response. Similarly, documentaries and movies about mysticism and superstition that aired almost every television channel has also recorded a high number of viewers.
Science knows pelesit, langsuir, vampire, pocong, toyol and ghost highway, a ghost names are synonymous in the minds of the Malays. Similarly, the terms perennial, implant, santau, pelaris, worship, fun, dead virus, the Elves, spirits, and haunter who has a close relationship with the spirits and demons.
In view of this modern age there are many more people who do not learn to make santau heartless. In short santau includes spells, ingredients and spirits. These three components are combined then called santau.Santau also usually removed by making santau in places where open as restaurants and wedding feasts. However, we also do not blame tokey restaurants too! They are innocent in this matter, but the guilt is making the search for victims santau awam.Santau place is divided into four sections:
1. Santau wind
2. Santau direction
3. Santau food and drink
4. Santau measures
Nowadays teens have also been taught to make santau. In fact, racing is also studying the same. All these are for personal pleasure and proud in the knowledge taught by spirits.In short 'perennial' is a genie or genii are inherited from one human to another human person, whether knowingly or not, usually involving the descent.
  In fact, the Jinns who inherited the perennial spirits no matter race, all the ghosts like a ghost city, martial jin, jin Tariqat, medical jin, shaman, spirits and ancestors.  But for the Malay community, 'perennial' is best understood as a genie, ancestors who descended from the old to the younger people who have blood ties with him.

Sunday, 5 June 2011

CoRReCT!on In SpeLLiNg

Believe-Some people believe black cat symbolized death.
Pythagoras-Pythagoras believed that certain numbers and their multiples had mystical power.
Philosopher- Philosopher can actually be quite knowledgeable on a variety of subjects.
Importance-Arabic Language is very importance in KUIS.
Astrologers- An astrologer practices one or more forms of astrology.
Governed-Consent of the governed" is a phrase synonymous with a political theory where in a government's legitimacy.
Ashanti-In Ghana, Ashanti people consider five to be unlucky number.
Mythology- The term mythology can refer to either the study of myths, or to a body of myths.
Myth- Myth is a series of real-time tactics computer games.
Valhalla- Valhalla is an unincorporated hamlet and census.
Thirteenth-Thirteenth is a unlucky numbers in Loki.
Marriage-I will invite to Syawal and Jannah marriage.
Omitted-The kids is omitted in the Magic Show.
Civilization-The civilization of ancient Rom is a great empire.
Advances- Enjoy free access below to select articles from the current issue of Advances.
Starship- Jefferson Starship is an American rock band that was formed in the early 1970s.
Liftoff- "Lift-off" is a simple, easy method for patterning films that are deposited.
Voyage- Welcome to Wow Voyage Coach .
Persistence- You've got to admire his persistence,
Independence- Malaysian recent history from independence from Britain in 1957 to the present.
Opportunity- Having a holiday is a great opportunity to relax.
Turquoise- Turquoise is a slightly greenish tone of cyan.
Traveler- Get travel ideas, tips, photos, quizzes, and more from National Geographic Traveler magazine.
Prosperity- Symbols, good luck charms, amulets have been used for centuries to promote prosperity.
Fertility- Fertility symbols have been found and used by almost all cultures around the world
Curfew- Curfew is usually followed girls.