Mystical by supernatural means to the state that can not be dived by human thought that strangeness and wonder. While superstition is the belief that nonsense and are ignorant. Interest stories and superstitions and mysticism is not a new issue in the Muslim community in Malaysia, but has its roots since ancient ancestors again. The story of mysticism and superstition of Islam has always attracted people to the exhibition of nature spirits and a mysterious past has organized a tremendous response. Similarly, documentaries and movies about mysticism and superstition that aired almost every television channel has also recorded a high number of viewers.
Science knows pelesit, langsuir, vampire, pocong, toyol and ghost highway, a ghost names are synonymous in the minds of the Malays. Similarly, the terms perennial, implant, santau, pelaris, worship, fun, dead virus, the Elves, spirits, and haunter who has a close relationship with the spirits and demons.
In view of this modern age there are many more people who do not learn to make santau heartless. In short santau includes spells, ingredients and spirits. These three components are combined then called santau.Santau also usually removed by making santau in places where open as restaurants and wedding feasts. However, we also do not blame tokey restaurants too! They are innocent in this matter, but the guilt is making the search for victims santau awam.Santau place is divided into four sections:
1. Santau wind
2. Santau direction
3. Santau food and drink
4. Santau measures
Nowadays teens have also been taught to make santau. In fact, racing is also studying the same. All these are for personal pleasure and proud in the knowledge taught by spirits.In short 'perennial' is a genie or genii are inherited from one human to another human person, whether knowingly or not, usually involving the descent.
In fact, the Jinns who inherited the perennial spirits no matter race, all the ghosts like a ghost city, martial jin, jin Tariqat, medical jin, shaman, spirits and ancestors. But for the Malay community, 'perennial' is best understood as a genie, ancestors who descended from the old to the younger people who have blood ties with him.
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